Thursday, November 16, 2006

PHP Conversion

Let's be honest, nobody likes FRAMES for a website. I am in the process of converting the whole site to PHP navigation. Right now I would estimate that I am 1/2 complete. Since I have the basic layout down finishing up shouldn't be too much trouble. I will be holding off on uploading the PHP pages for now due to the issues of having a half converted site.

Also, I have a whole new file section in the works with a category driven database. Unfortunately, I have to manually add the files so for now I will leave the old downloads page up and when I'm done with the conversions I'll finish that database. Look for some new features to be coming in the near future.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Site Moved

I have purchased a domain and hosting package that should accomodate everything I need to keep this site up and all files hosted without outages. is now online and live. Over the next few weeks, I will be converting all the html pages to php pages to remove the nasty frames that I've been using for years. Some pages may act odd or will redirect you back to the main page. This is due to the new linking system and I will have it fixed as soon as possible.

Also, I will be preventing hotlinks as well as adding new files when I finish the php conversion. My previous host size contraints prevented me from adding further content. Now I have a gigabyte worth of storage to work with and if I run out of that I can add more for a small extra price. I have added google adsense banners at the bottom of the pages. I ask that if you find my site useful please click these at least once when you visit so I may continue to provide the site at the current host without absorbing all of the cost myself.

Thank you.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Basic Update

Okay, my host ( is experiencing some major difficulties and quite frankly is not allowing me to access or modify certain pages. Furthermore, I can't seem to get a response from the host administration team. For now, I've moved my site to a temporary at another free host. I'm looking into leasing some webspace and getting my own domain so I'm doing some bandwidth shopping. I'm sorry that I have not been able to update the site and I KNOW that some people are unable to read it... but please understand that I'm doing the best I can.

Sunday, February 19, 2006


I have had personal issues as well as medical problems over the past several weeks. I chose not to update the site this month during those times as the updates would be "half ass" at best. Instead, expect some stuff in March to make up for it. Sorry for the delay, but life happens.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Feat Update

Long overdue Feat update. Tons of new ones added and some duplications removed.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

I've changed the Featured Article for this month. I just added about a dozen new weapons as well.

Monday, January 02, 2006

New Poll

I've taken the old poll (#9) down and put it in the archives. I didn't get as much participation as I'd hoped but it looks like generally people just want to get away from the "cookie cutter" arcanists. I'll see what I can do. This poll is about ritual magic. I have a system that I have been using but I've also played under a few others. During my recent reading, I found yet another system for ritual magic. I'm wondering what players and GMs want out of a ritual magic system. I like the idea of it being a separate system, open to non-spellcasters as well. Let's see what everyone thinks.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Muti-stage upload for new years

I just uploaded a buttload of stuff under the Equipment section. I've added a few new weapons as well. There are several new armors listed now.

Under the equipment section, there are new outfits, several new alchemical substances, and an area for spell components.

In working with the new sections that will focus on the classes, I've put up some information on Reliquaries. Also check out the temple equipment section for some major add-ons.

I'm tired now. Got more to upload but gonna give it a break for now.