Sunday, February 20, 2011

Skill Set

The skills have been updated to Pathfinder (D&D 3.75). There are still a lot of little things that I will be trying to convert over. Already I have players who are using the converted Profession (Herbalist) / Craft (Alchemy) combination.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Divine Update

I've expanded the section on Traykon's deities a bit. I'm working on updating the domain section as well. Most notable of the deity changes I've made is the expansion of the section on Arum. Other deities will have their church and priest structures expanded. The symbols for various deities was also revisited and some have changed.

The weapons list has been expanded even further. I reincorporated several weapons that were left out after the edit. New weapons and even some from alternate campaigns were added for variety.