Friday, November 15, 2019

New Content

My Site is up and working 100%! I have begun to upload new content. Over the last couple of weeks, I've uploaded about 200 new files that weren't available at the old location as well as created over a hundred new articles. I'm still working to figure out everything that I need to get working so expect some new additions and expansions to the site over the next year.

The Maiden of Pain is a new monster, actually she isn't new... she's the servant of Loviatar who has been around for a while but I finally put together her stat block. The Elder Gods have been defined somewhat as well as the ultimate creation myth and Traykon's backstory. There are even a few 3.5 edition articles for continuity reasons including the various Racial Deific Pantheons.

Soon I will be deciding on how best to incorporate random generators. Right now I'm leaning toward simple php scripting off the main wiki unless I can think of a safe way of doing it within the wiki. We will have to see how that works out. With the holidays, I don't think I'll be doing anything major but I find in my free time I can easily add an article or expand a little bit when I go back to the site.

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